How Much Vitamin C Should One Take Each Day?

Among the necessary vitamins is vitamin C. It can promote the formation of more collagen, soften and smooth skin, strengthen the immune system, and shield your body from radical damage thanks to its high antioxidant content. It is a vitamin that dissolves well in water.

This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C for different age groups, answering your question.

It is undoubtedly one of the essential nutrients that you should include in your normal diet, along with others.

If you are unfamiliar with the scientific nomenclature for it , it is also referred to as L ascorbic acid, or just ascorbic acid.

Unfortunately, humans do not belong to the group of animals that can naturally manufacture in their bodies.

Therefore, the only ways to guarantee adequate amounts of this water-soluble vitamin are by eating a regular diet or using dietary supplements.

Keep in mind that it has both benefits and drawbacks due to its water solubility. The fact that it dissolves in water and absorbs readily is a benefit.

However, it can also be lost through perspiration, urine, and feces. Citrus fruits should therefore always be a part of your diet.

What is the Recommended Daily Amount of Vitamin C?

The Institute of Medicine has established recommended guidelines for the daily intake of vitamin C.

Therefore, the recommended daily dosage of it for children in the 1 to 3 year old age range is approximately 15 mg.

You should raise your vitamin C consumption to approximately 25 mg as you become older and fall into the 4 to 8 year age range.

Adolescent children who are younger than nine or thirteen years old must take up to forty-five milligrams daily.

Your body requires an additional 65 to 75 mg of it per day if you fall into the adolescent demographic, which is defined as those between the ages of 14 and 18.

Recall that up until this point in time, parents have a crucial duty to ensure that their newborns and children receive the recommended dosage of vitamin C based on their age or category.

From this point forward, aside from age group, the amounts of it you require in your usual diet will differ based on your gender.

Male adults who are 19 years of age or older must take 90 mg daily at minimum. whereas women in the same age range require about 75 mg of it daily.

The levels are slightly higher in pregnant women who are not yet past the gestation phase since you must take care of your own needs as well as the nutritional requirements of your fetus in order for it to grow into a healthy child inside of you.

Therefore, these ladies require a minimum of 85 mg of it per day from their food and supplementation.

You must attend to both your baby’s and your own nutritional demands for it after giving birth and until the infant is nursing on you.
And for this purpose, in addition to other nutrients in their diet, this set of women requires about 120 mg of vitamin C.

You probably want to know what the upper limit of an adult’s it intake is.

That works out to be about 2000 milligrams a day.

How can you benefit from vitamin C?

In addition to treating some medical conditions, it can support healthy metabolic levels.

In fact, it deficiency can affect people of any age, but it can especially affect children.

This is the reason why parents should closely monitor their child’s daily vitamin C consumption.

In general, symptoms such as bleeding gums, bruises on the hands and feet, weakness, exhaustion, rashes, dryness, itching, and even peeling of the skin indicate low vitamin C levels.

As previously said, increasing your consumption of vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables or taking supplements are two more potential treatments. Another option is to use vitamin C-containing medications.

Should you want to take medications and supplements, we advise that you speak with a physician. It can occasionally take some time for it to accumulate and be replenished from diet alone.

You should see a doctor to determine the appropriate medication and dosage if you suffer from severe symptoms of low vitamin C levels in your body.

When it comes to supporting the general well-being of your T-cells or immune cells, vitamin C is a crucial nutrient.

People who typically have low blood levels of it may have impaired immune system function, fever, rashes, and other allergies, particularly in the fall or during periods of variable weather.

According to scientists, it can aid in the absorption of iron as well.

For this reason, individuals with low vitamin C levels may also have low iron levels because low vitamin C prevents sufficient iron from being absorbed

during the process of digestion and absorption.

Which foods are good providers of vitamin C?

Having ascertained your daily requirement for it. let’s examine the first steps you may take to restore your body’s vitamin C stores.
These are some of the best suggestions for foods and vegetables that you may usually find in your kitchen.

Therefore, don’t be afraid to include them in your diet starting with the next meal.

Red bell pepper

Orange-flavored liquid

Juice from lemons



Kiwi fruit




Things to consider while selecting a supplement.

Additionally, persons with more severe cases of it’s insufficiency may decide to use supplements.

Keep in mind that you should speak with a doctor to find out which brand of vitamin C supplements is best for you.

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